boomers dad
New member
...........My middle sister called with an update from New Mexico-He may have from 2 weeks to 6 months to live.My middle sister is having my oldest sisters daughter call after she gets to New Mexico tomorrow from Colorado;and talks to the Dr's.My sister's going to tell her and our oldest sister that if and when he starts downhill worse,to call and we will be there ASAP.My older sister is scheduled to go to Oregon next Wednesday to see her son(This is the sister that has the sons that take advantage of her);and when she told her son in Oregon about whats goin on in New Mexico;he started in with the whiny tune"DOES THIS MEAN YOU WONT BE COMING NEXT WEEK??"-He' ALWAYS played the "guilt trip"tune on her when he didnt get his own way.She asked me WHAT SHOULD I DO???I told her I cant answer that,only SHE can-but as for ME,Im GOIN when the call comes.My younger sister (I have 3 of 'em!!!) told me she might want to bring their truck and 5th wheel back from New Mexico to Michigan after the fact-it has all their wordly posessions in it-THAT MEANS YOURS TRULY may be drafted into doing that task for her-THATS WHAT FAMILY DOES;whatever it takes....updates coming.........................