I am a newbie to metal detecting, I purchased my Etrac about a year ago and wasn't able to use it until now. I read the owners manual and a book for it, but yet I have one dumb question to ask. What part under the coil does it detect at? Someone told me right in the center while another said at the edge.
Also while in the pin point mode, it seems to pinpoint at the forward edge where there there is a little indent. I appear to be digging ever increasing bigger holes.
I also get one reading and location in undisturbed soil and once I start digging the reading changes and so does the location, is that normal?
To date I have just searched my property for practice, found a lot of trash but also a few penny's a dime and what appears to be a very old bronze bell, maybe used for sleighs. I use the factory mode for coins right now to learn on.
I am a newbie to metal detecting, I purchased my Etrac about a year ago and wasn't able to use it until now. I read the owners manual and a book for it, but yet I have one dumb question to ask. What part under the coil does it detect at? Someone told me right in the center while another said at the edge.
Also while in the pin point mode, it seems to pinpoint at the forward edge where there there is a little indent. I appear to be digging ever increasing bigger holes.
I also get one reading and location in undisturbed soil and once I start digging the reading changes and so does the location, is that normal?
To date I have just searched my property for practice, found a lot of trash but also a few penny's a dime and what appears to be a very old bronze bell, maybe used for sleighs. I use the factory mode for coins right now to learn on.