Hello everyone- my name is Stew and I live in Northern California. I'm new to this board and new to MD'ng. Being that the West does not have as rich and colorful a history as the East and that I'm in gold country, I plan to do some prospecting but I also wanna get the most out of it searching for all the other cool stuff if there's any to be found. I just went ahead and ordered myself a Lobo. Was wondering if anyone here has any advice as to what secondary coil/s to get to make this thing as close to a 'do it all' machine as I can. My GF says she won't MD with me- but I ordered her a Silver uMax anyway. Worst case scenario I end up with 2! Best case scenario, she catches the bug and I upgrade her to a vaquero and I end up with 2! Yeah- I'm a little partial towards the Tesoro line.