Here at Kellyco we have a wealth of knowledge about metal detecting. I got to thinking the other day that it would be cool if I got some of our old timers to share tips and tricks from time to time. I thought this was a GREAT idea. So I interviewed John Fetner, our Vice President. I asked him for 3 simple tips that make detecting easier or more efficient. Now bear in mind these are more "beginner" tips. Here's what he gave me. I hope you enjoy!!
Tip 1. Carry one of those mechanics terry towels (the big ones) or a small sheet of heavy plastic with you. When you stop to dig, lay it beside the hole and pile your dirt onto it. This will accomplish 2 things.
It will keep the dirt all together so you can fill the hole more efficiently (especially in grassy areas)
It will be a "catch all " for tiny items found like earrings. Nothing more frustrating that digging up a cool signal only to find you've accidentally dumped it in the grass and have to hunt again.
Tip 2:
If you use a coil cover around sand like at the beach, from time to time remove the cover and carefully clean all the sand that might have wedged in the cracks. This is a bit painstaking but it will really be beneficial in the long run to keep your coil shiny and new.
Tip 3. Again, when detecting around sand, make sure that from time to time you change the position of the rods. If you leave them in the same position for a long time and sand gets into the rod housing it will permanently lock it in place and you can't ever adjust it again for someone a different height than you. Also, you can rub a little WD-40 or some Armour All along the rod to keep it moving smooth. Just make sure you don't leave a film of it on the shaft, it will attract and hold dust/sand.)
Thanks John! I hope you guys like these tips. I know they might seem rudimentary to you experts, but us newbies love em! Also...feel free to reply and post YOUR tips!!
Tip 1. Carry one of those mechanics terry towels (the big ones) or a small sheet of heavy plastic with you. When you stop to dig, lay it beside the hole and pile your dirt onto it. This will accomplish 2 things.
It will keep the dirt all together so you can fill the hole more efficiently (especially in grassy areas)
It will be a "catch all " for tiny items found like earrings. Nothing more frustrating that digging up a cool signal only to find you've accidentally dumped it in the grass and have to hunt again.
Tip 2:
If you use a coil cover around sand like at the beach, from time to time remove the cover and carefully clean all the sand that might have wedged in the cracks. This is a bit painstaking but it will really be beneficial in the long run to keep your coil shiny and new.
Tip 3. Again, when detecting around sand, make sure that from time to time you change the position of the rods. If you leave them in the same position for a long time and sand gets into the rod housing it will permanently lock it in place and you can't ever adjust it again for someone a different height than you. Also, you can rub a little WD-40 or some Armour All along the rod to keep it moving smooth. Just make sure you don't leave a film of it on the shaft, it will attract and hold dust/sand.)
Thanks John! I hope you guys like these tips. I know they might seem rudimentary to you experts, but us newbies love em! Also...feel free to reply and post YOUR tips!!