Well the big brown truck brought my x-70 Monday. Got it from J.W. at KellyCo. This is my first try at this hobby, never even held a detector before. I read the FAQ and the manual to get started but still have questions. I read in another thread (I believe it was Bill or Digger that advised another beginner) to find an area without a lot of trash to learn in. I think that might be one of my problems. Anyway, on to my first question. Do fresh water beaches act anything like salt water beaches? I went down to a park that has a sandy beach along the river (Columbia River, Portland/Vancouver area). I have read lots about beaches being hard to detect for the beginner but I thought they were always talking about salt water. I am getting all kinds of false targets. I keep turning the sens down, tried as low as #8. Tried all metal and Patterns #1 and #2. Tried Tracking on and off (reminds me of another question but we"ll do one at a time). Sometimes I will get a strong target signal and an ID of say 40 or 42 so I dig and there is nothing or maybe a bottle cap that ID's 6 after it is up. Do I just need to stay off the beach till I know what I am doing?
But, I did find a quarter and a nickle in less than a hour YEE HAA!!!
But, I did find a quarter and a nickle in less than a hour YEE HAA!!!