If you look at the numerous videos on the net you will eventually find one where a detectorist finds a target and stops swinging, turns 90` to the target and swings again. + marks the spot where the signal is strongest at a point where the two swing lines cross, you target should be underneath. Bury a couple of coins in your lawn/garden, water the spot, leave it for a few days and come back and test your pinpointing skills. You can also set up a 'finds garden' of coins, nails and ring-pulls in the ground, wave your machine over them and listen to the tones it makes at each target, look at the screen and memorise the target. That way you can pick what you want and don't want to dig when you out park picking. Look at the Garrett instructional videos and they will show you where the machine pinpoints, some pinpoint on the top of the coil, some on the bottom and some like mine just above where the shaft joins the coil.
Have Fun