Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose....was my turn to drive so I mounted Otto and headed into Halifax to meet up with Tony the Tiger and a newbie named Dan who just purchased a "Little Yeller Feller." As is the custom here I had to pick a digging name for the bouy but not knowing him from Eve I was at a lost.
Otto galloped down the 101 which was infested with Royal Canadian Mounted Police marked and unmarked units prowling the highway. Figures as the end of the month is near and quotas had to be met. Been there done that!
After a fairly long drive we arrived at a closed military base and Tony "T" and the newbie bringing out the heavy artillery.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb4edb8100000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> I'm sure that an egg could have fried on that puppy as we all ended up stripping to the waist before day's end.
Also got to take a photo of another plane for my growing collection but not quite sure what kind it is....any ideas folks?<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb5f5aa000000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
The heat was taking its toll on us but every once in a while a nice cool sou'wester swept by making the dig bearable.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb52db9d00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
While griding the playing field the newbie Dan pulled out a nice RCMP button and right away a lightbulb came on in this bouy's head albeit a dim one. I had been a thinking all day what to call the newbie and it dawned on me after his find..............."Bookem Daniel."<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb575aa800000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
The long day a digging was coming to a close and we all had a pocket full of clad. Reigned in Otto on the way home as the mounties were still as thick as penny winkles on a rock by a sewer.
Dropping the bouys off at Tony "T's" Thunderbolt Grease Slapper I headed to Black's photography who replace my camera. See me son it pays to complain so expect some super sharp photos in the future with my posts. Sure my sister Mick, who just celebrated a birthday will be happy too as I'll return her camera this weekened.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6dc28b3127cce970806478caf00000015108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> Won't tell you how old she turned but is pretty close to my 42 inch waist size.
My take for the day was a boy scout pin,fun zone token, 1965 quarter (just found that I had it when photographing my finds)and 54 coins @ $8.26<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb5edb9100000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Otto galloped down the 101 which was infested with Royal Canadian Mounted Police marked and unmarked units prowling the highway. Figures as the end of the month is near and quotas had to be met. Been there done that!
After a fairly long drive we arrived at a closed military base and Tony "T" and the newbie bringing out the heavy artillery.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb4edb8100000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> I'm sure that an egg could have fried on that puppy as we all ended up stripping to the waist before day's end.
Also got to take a photo of another plane for my growing collection but not quite sure what kind it is....any ideas folks?<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb5f5aa000000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
The heat was taking its toll on us but every once in a while a nice cool sou'wester swept by making the dig bearable.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb52db9d00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
While griding the playing field the newbie Dan pulled out a nice RCMP button and right away a lightbulb came on in this bouy's head albeit a dim one. I had been a thinking all day what to call the newbie and it dawned on me after his find..............."Bookem Daniel."<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb575aa800000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
The long day a digging was coming to a close and we all had a pocket full of clad. Reigned in Otto on the way home as the mounties were still as thick as penny winkles on a rock by a sewer.
Dropping the bouys off at Tony "T's" Thunderbolt Grease Slapper I headed to Black's photography who replace my camera. See me son it pays to complain so expect some super sharp photos in the future with my posts. Sure my sister Mick, who just celebrated a birthday will be happy too as I'll return her camera this weekened.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6dc28b3127cce970806478caf00000015108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> Won't tell you how old she turned but is pretty close to my 42 inch waist size.
My take for the day was a boy scout pin,fun zone token, 1965 quarter (just found that I had it when photographing my finds)and 54 coins @ $8.26<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d706b3127ccebd3afb5edb9100000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>