It seems like smaller coils ARE harder to come least Used ones! One reason is because a lot of others have been realizing how effective they really are on sniffing out good targets that are masked by trash.Years ago when the pickins were easy and there was less trash to worry about the stock or medium sized coils got the job done.NOW,with the easy pickins getting slimmer,People are going back to those same places with smaller coils and getting the targets that were missed the First time.There are more people Now more than ever really getting serious about these smaller coils and Now knowing how well they perform.It use to be a little more of a secret about using smaller coils but Now all over the forums the secret is hear so much talk about these small super coils getting in the middle of iron and nails and other trash and raiding the places where those goodies have been hiding for years.In fact for some people,that's the Only size they use.I use a small Most of the time but that's because most sites I hunt are breeding grounds for trash.A small coil IS the only way to go Plus a Fast recovery and slow sweep like the Classic models.
People have been Everywhere and they always leave trash of some kind.One way of looking at it is.The more trash there is,the more chance of finding the goodies IF you have the patience to sort through it all.I use to get discouraged when I first started with this hobby because of all the trash, so I turned up the disc control and then later realized I was missing Most of the good stuff so I learned to have a little more patience and learned the detector more and now I know for a fact that in order to get the good stuff you have to have some patience and KNOW YOUR DETECTOR so you will know what it's telling you.IF you do those and practice those 2 things you WILL find the good stuff! Smalls coils are one of the most Important tools you could have to be successful.To me,It's just plain ole Fun to get out and dig up some coins,jewelery,toys,pocket knives,old tools,tokens,buttons.Some of best places to go are lakes where people have camped and fished.You wouldn't believe some of things I have found in these places.
Of course I found my share of junk too but it was fun and worth it all plus the exercise I got.I Had to have my small coil because of the trash but It was worth it because of the finds.I have lots of fishing related items,Hunting knives,enough lead fishing sinkers to sink a boat,fishing lures,coins,watches,rings.When you go camping it's SO EASY to loose things.One time I was at camping site and the grass was very tall and I immediately got a strong signal and it turned out I didn't even need my detector because someone lost a pocket full or quarters and just lying on top of the ground and I have also found a pocket spill at and old gravel and dirt Boat Ramp.Again I got a loud good signal I dug down a few inches a found a couple of quarters in the same hole and then I rescanned and found about another 10 or 12 quarters in the same hole.Trash was everywhere especially pulltabs but the small coil came through with flying colors! If I was using my larger coil there would of been too many targets under the coil and I would of missed all those quarters so small coils DO pay off! Others will tell you the same!