So many possibilities, where to start.....
Oh, and as was already stated, the depth meter is calibrated to small round coin sized targets. Anything other that that will skew depth. Large objects show as shallower that they are, smaller bits will show deeper than they are, and everything in between. In trashy sites, pinpointing may also be off due to other nearby targets being under the coil at the same time as the target.
1. Check that your coil connection is tight on the control box
2. When you turn on the detector, read the battery voltage, it should be 10v or better, 8v is the absolute minimum and then it should give you a low batt warning
3. Give the coil and control box a couple of gentle taps to make sure nothing loose is causing you grief.
4. Being new, I would start with Coin and Jewelry Mode, Gain at preset or even a bit lower, Discrimination also at the preset, Trac switch to Ground, and threshold so you just barely hear a buzz in the background.
5. If the sound goes out when using headphones, try wiggling or unplugging them first to see if the problem persists when switching to speaker. Take a look at the VDI and see if the numbers still change normally as you sweep over the target, may be an audio issue or a problem with the headphone jack.
6. Move away from the target to see if the sound comes back, you may have a nearby discriminated target nulling and masking the threshold.
7. Turn off the detector and then back on again, watching that the voltage is still okay, to ensure you don't have a bad battery pack or bad battery.
Just a few things to try. you shouldn't have to "fiddle" with any knobs to make things better, especially when using the presets, other then turning the gain even lower.
I didn't touch on Ground Balancing, but the MXT tracks the ground so well, that after a few sweeps when starting, its auto GB'd anyways.
If it is the machine that is faulty, rest assured that that is uncommon, and White's service is the best.