I had the loudest tumbler in the world so I ordered a new one from Harbor Freight 10 days ago when I saw the price had gone down to $19.99. It was on my doorstep when I got home after detecting today. Fired it up with $20 in quarters, gravel, water and dishwashing soap as a test. Ran it for an hour to get the dirt off and plan on 7 more hours to brighten them up. I'll post after pictures too. It's very quiet and I can run it right in the room I'm in. $27.00 shipped. I am in no way affiliated with Harbor Freight nor am I endorsing them.
I know it has been debated to clean or not to clean and I'm not trying to start any further debate. It's interesting to me and might be to somebody else as well.
The tackle box is my treasure chest and the rolled coins were cleaned with my old tumbler. I put all my jewelry, silver coins, cars, cleaned coins and notebooks, scales and other non field metal detecting stuff in it. Relics in another tackle box. Coins to be cleaned in another tackle box. The jars are Zinc Pennies and Copper Pennies. Yes, I cleaned Wal Mart out of tackle boxes one day.
I know it has been debated to clean or not to clean and I'm not trying to start any further debate. It's interesting to me and might be to somebody else as well.
The tackle box is my treasure chest and the rolled coins were cleaned with my old tumbler. I put all my jewelry, silver coins, cars, cleaned coins and notebooks, scales and other non field metal detecting stuff in it. Relics in another tackle box. Coins to be cleaned in another tackle box. The jars are Zinc Pennies and Copper Pennies. Yes, I cleaned Wal Mart out of tackle boxes one day.