Thanks for the feedback...'appreciate it!
On another the local park, I often find readings that turn out to be the brass spinkler watering heads...Since they are anywhere from 3"-5+" deep, I'm assuming that they are part of an older (turned-off) watering system since they can 'sprinkle/spray' if they're buried...I know coins work their way into the ground but as I can't believe that they re-sodded the entire park, I'm wondering why these brass watering heads are 3"-5" deep... AND, more to the point, if they are 3-5" deep because of years of deposition of decomposed leaves/grass etc. that 'built up' the level of ground...if the older coins I'm hunting are therefore several inches deeper than the sprinkler heads...any thoughts/experience similar??
On another the local park, I often find readings that turn out to be the brass spinkler watering heads...Since they are anywhere from 3"-5+" deep, I'm assuming that they are part of an older (turned-off) watering system since they can 'sprinkle/spray' if they're buried...I know coins work their way into the ground but as I can't believe that they re-sodded the entire park, I'm wondering why these brass watering heads are 3"-5" deep... AND, more to the point, if they are 3-5" deep because of years of deposition of decomposed leaves/grass etc. that 'built up' the level of ground...if the older coins I'm hunting are therefore several inches deeper than the sprinkler heads...any thoughts/experience similar??