Run discrimination as low as you can stand... If you're tired of digging trash, then try setting disc just past pulltabs; you'll still get pennies, dimes and quarters.
Keep your swing fairly short ( like around 3'-4' at most), your coil close to the ground but not scrubbing it, go slowly and overlap on your swings. The 5.75" concentric is great in trashy spots but doesn't cover alot of area per swing, so you will want to overlap.
After getting used to the machine, try "thumbing the disc" to help ID your targets. After a while you'll get to know just where certain things break up in disc and how they sound when they do break.
I don't know what kind of support equipment you already have. You'll probably want:
Digging tool - several good ones out there, but a $10 survival knife does work. I use a Lesche and it's tough but doesn't look as dangerous to others as a knife.
Kneepads - $5 Harbor Freight are what I like.
Finds apron - I like the cheap, two-pocket cloth aprons from Lowes; Home Depot's are similar.
Gloves - I use cheap latex covered cloth ones from Harbor Freight but practically anything is better than a bare digging hand. I only use a left glove as my right hand doesn't dig...
Pinpointer - not necessary but sure helps speed thing up. I recommend that you DON'T get the Harbor Freight one, but rather, get a good one as soon as you can afford it. Everyone has their favorites. I can recommend either the Garrett "carrot" and the Whites TRX - they're both very good.
Headphones - you don't need expensive ones, but I recommend getting some that hold up well and don't need any adapter. $25 Garrett or similarly priced Calrad 15-135b, are fine. If you want more sensitive ones... I use and recommend the Killer B's Wasp model. My son and daughter use the Calrad with thier Compadres.
Bugspray - I have to add this... I hate bugs buggin' and have a serious problem with summertime black flies...
Hat and/or sunblock... Carrying bag to transport your stuff to the hunt site... Water, snacks...
The best advice of all...
Find the good detecting spots everyone else hasn't already done. That's the toughest part. Let your Compadre do the rest.