I bought TURNMASTER's SE that was inthe forum classifieds. It arrived yesterday with about enough time to put it together, put the battery on charge, whip 8 AA's in the holder, and test it, before going to the club open house. So today I got a couple short hunts in to see how big a leap it would be from my XT705. Turns out it's not that dramaticlly different. Managed 10 clad quarters, 13 clad dimes, 15 copper mems, a '46 wheat, and a bent up silver bangle bracelet. All from a couple small parks that have been pounded for years. Not too shabby for a first outing.
I'm gonna like this machine.
[attachment 230641 04-25-12Finds.jpg]
I'm gonna like this machine.
[attachment 230641 04-25-12Finds.jpg]