calabash digger said:
I havent been able to get out had the flu so just tinkerd in my test garden with the new racer I got in. First off let me say this the thing seperates very good on targets mixed with iron one of the best ive seen at doing that so it probably will stay in my aresenal with a small coil just for purpose. For general relic hunting it will take a backseast to my deus for one reason DEPTH its lacking depth in 3 tone and thats what I like to hunt in ,so for thick iron I will give it a whirl . We all have our own style notice montys above im different than him in that I like to be able to adjust my machine if I want to. The deus is not a tinkering machine to me as I know what hunting I do and set it up accordingly and its basically a turn on and go machine now, You do have to invest more time up front with the deus to learn it than the mackro. I watched keith southern test the mackro impressive on seperation but he mentioned in two tone a falsing that occurs on iron can anybody chime in on that ?
As far as falsing occurring in 2 tone,,,it can happen,,,,but remember gain setting using 2 tone,,not the same as 3 tone. Meaning you can run too high a gain in 2 tone,,and get some falsing,,,but remember lower gain,,,means less depth.
Gain level 70 in 2 tone,,wearing headphones is about max depth,,,,now you can go to 97-99 gain,,,and you might see a bit more depth,,,,but for practical purposes,,gain settings this high,,,too noisy.
Should also point out,,,higher gain will usually give ID or more accurate ID for deeper targets.
Detector does sound smoother in 3 tone,, vs 2 tone overall.
With small coil in milder dirt,,2 tone will have definite advantages depth wise vs 3 tone any gain setting even 99.
With experience though,,,2 tone and how it rep sonde to nails,,iron and good nonferrous targets,,,will be more second nature to you.
Also,,remember,,,,nonferrous targets that are very challenged by ferrous material,,,,,,running in 3 tone or 2 tone,,,,these " challenged targets" may NOT present exactly textbook sound.