Active member
So the F70 is a chattery no secret . But can be tamed . I have found lots of stuff with my other F70 . Well I sold that unit to a forum member. Well I could not just say good by. So I traded one of two Sov.XS for a very clean back from fisher F70 with stock coil and the ultimate 13 inch coil. Also in the deal was a Sunray FX probe. I could not pass it up. I received this unit yesterday . So I took the upgraded F75 and strapped on the U13" coil and took it for a spin. Well I got a lead round ball a couple little belt buckles and my first Spanish real . Real was a measured 9 inches . It is the size of a dime and as thin as half the size of a penny. I looked it up and looks like a 1754 real. The ID was all over but I heard a sweet whisper and I new something was there. With this old common I knew it's not hunted out. Nothing ever is with iron in the ground . So anyways in the hole was a few nails and the lonely couple year old real. I was siked. Pics to follow. GS