Ok VAD,in addition to Mikes always excellent advice...you have clearly detected before. You know the basics. If it’s one thing I might add it would be this...TRUST this machine. In the early going especially,TRUST this machine. Don’t get caught up in the “oh but this one time on the edge of a cliff under a blue moon on the 32nd of March I dug a so and so with this wacky reading”.....I will assume that you are an intelligent individual. There have been ALOT of engineers and physicists working quite awhile to come to the point of the CTX. You have to TRUST this machine. ALSO,and this is incredibly important...do NOT run this machine in an unstable fashion. You know what I mean. Set up so you have a steady threshold and it is NOT falsing and being erratic. This condition will get you absolutely NOWHERE.
Other than that,easy does it. Let the machine work. You probably didn’t get it for free or anywhere close,so let the money that you spent do the work. It knows what it’s doing,just drive it around.
Be sure to give us updates please! For ME,it has been a VERY good time. Good luck!