As your name implies you are at the beginning of the learning curve. With a little time and effort you will begin to see positive results. Sometimes the results come in a trickle sometimes in an avalanche of loot, it depends a little on luck and a lot on skill and effort.
If it was as simple as wandering down to the beach, swinging Exalibur 3 times and then picking up a ton of gold loot; WELL EVERYBODY would be doing it.
It is about the thrill of the hunt, getting fresh air and exercise, meeting new friends and of course the accomplishment you feel when you hook into a nice find. It is the effort you put in up front that makes that find feel so good in your hand. You will remember that first good find and after a while you will pick up enough loot that your girlfriend will be calling you the treasure hunter. Eventually you will have to address the issue of having too much loot and what should you do with it? Of course, to get to that point in the learning curve will take some time and effort.
Bear in mind that the gold is still out there waiting to be found but you have to know where to look and have a little luck, especially now that the beaches are sanded in and there are only a few targets within range at the moment. The winter gales will change all that soon enough and the posts on this forum will be full of loot again.
Now is the time to put in the effort to get your skill level up so you can capitalize on the gold rush that is coming.
My wife was skeptical when I got back into this hobby, she thought it was a waste of time and money. After a half dozen rings she stopped 2nd guessing my decision. Somewhere around a dozen rings and twenty pounds of weight loss she admitted I was right about this hobby being a good one.
When I gave her this little bauble after a 2 hour spin in the water she became positively supportive.
[attachment 36200 P62700011Large.JPG]
Now get out there and find some loot newtohunting.
As Mel Fischer said every morning for 16 years of hunting for the Treasure of the Atocha, "Today's the Day".