Hello Ed,
Welcome to the site and to the detecting hobby.
If you are wanting some help in getting started with the CTX 3030 I would suggest downloading the 4-step learning search modes for the CTX 3030 that I posted on this site. They can be very helpful in learning how to identify good targets from bad. Especially the first step which is a very closed off search mode that picks up very little trash. Mostly iron or large aluminum. Still, it finds a large variety of good targets. Each learning step after that increases the type of targets the detector will find, both good and bad, and helps you to learn them step-by-step.
People have told me that the learning steps have made a night and day difference for them, or that they wanted to throw the machine away until they downloaded the learning steps. They were then happy with their purchase.
For some, new or experienced, trying to decipher the signals from the CTX can be difficult, frustrating, and aggravating, at first. Using the learning steps can greatly reduce the level of frustration. Those who start out using the steps may never realize how much easier the steps made it to learn the CTX, or the level of frustration they missed.
I know I'm kind of tooting my own horn about the learning steps, but those search programs were written just for the purpose you are asking about, learning to use the CTX. And, form the response's I have gotten, the steps can do just that for many people.
The programs are not intended to teach all the buttons and settings on the CTX. They are intended to make learning to separate good targets from bad easier, and to greatly reduce the frustration in the learning process.
To learn the buttons, setting, and functions of the CTX, read the manual a few times and keep it handy to refer to. Some people download the manual to an iPad or such so they can take it with them. As has been mentioned, buy Andy Sabisch's book 'The CTX 3030 Handbook.' He did a great job of explaining in detail all of the functions of the CTX. Use forums such as this one that have sections dedicated to the CTX 3030. Search for any questions you have or make a new post. People are glad to help. This site has some expert experts who are incredibly knowledgeable.
To get the learning search modes, sign into this forum and go to the 'Minelab CTX 3030 Detecting Forum.' Near the top of that forum you will find a post 'Search Modes for Learning the CTX 3030.' Click on that. In that post is a link to take you to the post where you can read about the learning/training search modes and instructions. (Seems like lots of steps to get there but it's not really.) Read the information about the steps and the instructions on how to download the search modes. You may even want to pring that stuff out. At the bottom of that post is a link 'Download' to click on and download the modes.
If you have any problems with downloading the modes, or getting them into the XChange2 program, feel free to Private Message me and I will help you get it done.
Happy Hunting,