I have had the E-trac for about 8 months and the 3030 for about 4 months....I just sold the 3030 a few weeks ago, I am an old throw back guy, I thought i would give the Minelabs a try after years of using the old whites analog machines, and to tell the truth i just had all kinds of trouble understanding those machines, I never new if they where set up right and i never really knew what it was telling me other than a dime or quarter , everything else was just a lot of sounds that drove me up a wall, I spent more time looking at menus and programs and setting, i still have the E-trac and use it know and then and i am hoping in time i can get more of a handle on it, but i still like using the whites 6000 di pro sl, i like the simplicity and enjoy using them. I know there is no secret to it just time in the field with the E-trac..