It all depends on the amount of iron and coke at your site. I would start out with the BP as your base mode on most sites, and make adjustments from there. I think Gary knows a great deal about using the T2, it's just his posts are a bit dated in that he was writing them as he was field testing the T2 shortly after they first came out, so I am sure he probably uses different settings by now, plus it's the older version not SE.
So basically you have 2 main settings.
Setting 1
For really heavy iron, whether it's ploughed and rolled, stubble,pasture or woodland it doesn't matter, go into 1 or 1+ tone (some prefer the 1 tone over 1+ because it's single pitch and very easy to hear, others prefer 1+ for more information) use discrimination of between 20-23, depending on the size and the state of decomposing iron on the site, 21 is the "magic" number for most sites, but you have to adjust you disc. to each site up or down until the iron stops giving a signal and all you can hear are clics, you don't wan't to silence it completely as it will hurt unmasking. Then crank the sensitivity up to 99, this is key, I know it sounds crazy but you get best unmasking at max sens, not 92, not 98, but 99. It's chatters but you will hear the good signals anyways.
Setting 2
BP mode, dics 10 or below depennding on EMI interference for all other sites. Sensitivity as high as you can as long as it doesn't chatter too much, no need to run it 99 in BP mode, there will be too much chatter at most sites for it to be enjoyable to hunt, but if you can get it to 99 without chatter, then you can start to drop the disc. below 10 to gain even more depth until the detector becomes unstable, then back off. You can also try dropping the sensitivity to 60-70 but also dropping the disc. bellow 10 until you hear chatter. You would get similar depth at disc around 5 and sens. of 60 to 70 as you would at disc. of 10 and sens. in the 90s, the is a difference in the way deeper targets sound, not like you will be able to hear deeper torgets better, hard to explain but basically you will be able to hear which targets are deep and which are shallow better, you have to make sure it's a stable set up though.
But don't worry about these stuff right now anyways, just keep it simple BP mode, disc 10, Sens as high as you can get without too much chatter. Once you are good at understanding whats under the coil you can experiment with other settings. If there is a lot of iron, use set up 1 (1+) None of these settings apply to sites with a lot of aluminum trash, which I simply avoid and don't really have good advice te give you.
Hope that helps, maybe there in another staffordshire hoard in your area looking to be found, so good luck!