Glad to see you finally have a Simplex + in your hands. We have one park in the small town I live in, and I first hunted it back in ''75 when my brother lived here. It was quite an impressive producing place and had a history of use going back over 100 years at the time. I moved here four years ago and the park was very altered about 40 years ago. Most old trees were removed and most of the land was 'sculptured' to level it out, kind of, and put I a baseball field and such. I visually gridded off a center section and used my XLT, Anfibio Multi, Relic and ORX to search this area as best I could to try and find any older coins that were moved around and mixed in at a little deeper depth. All that was preparation for the arrival of my Simplex + as I wanted to have a cleaner area to work in to try and locate older and / or deeper coins.
Simplex + arrived and four days later I awoke to 5" of snow and it kept falling all day long. Stopped at 9½-10 inches. Three weeks later and it took a a lot of rain to help melt the snow and leave it muddy, and now a lot of the ground is frozen and difficult to hunt. But I did have a break a week or so ago and managed to pull 4 wheat-back cents along with some modern change. I used the 3-Tone Park mode now-and-then to check some of the signal before recovery, but since it is rather clean I prefer to hunt in 2-Tone audio and get better depth. I switch back-and-forth between Field and Beach mode, actually preferring the Non-VCO audio of Beach mode, but enjoy the depth-of-detection these two options give me. The deepest coins I've recovered so far from the park were in the 6" to 8+" depth range and the Simplex + w/11" DD is working very well.
But it is a wide-open grassy park and I am away from metal fences, metal playground structures, and a lot of discarded trash. I'm really looking forward to smaller coils for this device, but until then just crossing my fingers that it might warm up a little and with sunshine, in the next 3-4 days to let me get in one or more hunts before the frigid wintry weather returns.. I am really enjoying the Simplex + also, because once I am away from the annoying EMI I get here in my house or close to homes and businesses, it works really well and w/o much EMI behavior at all. I have all of the Disc. programs set at Full Sensitivity, and I use 0.0 Discrimination so I can hear ALL targets, ferrous and non-ferrous I keep the Iron Volume set at '1' bar in Field and Park modes, and I'm finding the 'simplicity' of this unit to be just fine with me. Not a lot to mess with, and the excellent button performance allows me to quickly change modes and double-check located targets to help learn it better.
Adding the Simplex + has also helped me in my decision-making to trim a few more models from my working Detector Outfit. The more I can get out and use it, the more I really enjoy it.

Very impressive unit that I am sure you are also going to take a liking to as you put yours to work. I hope you have huntable weather this time of year to enjoy more detecting fun. Keep us posted on how things are going on your adventures with your new Simplex +.
Do you have a favorite mode yet, or personal-preference settings?