Sun Ray Detector Electronics has just added a new forum to our website called the "Sun Ray Research Forum". We have felt for some time that there should be a meeting place for those interested in doing research to improve the quantity and quality of their recoveries. Since "research" is the key to success in treasure hunting, we feel this forum will be beneficial to all hunters, reqardless of the type of hunting you do, be it coin, relic, beach, shallow water, diving, prospecting, cache, bottle or artifact and hopefully you will benefit in knowledge whether you are just entering the hobby or are a seasoned hunter.
This will be an information exchange forum for the express purpose of asking questions and/or giving answers on research related topics such as research sources, techniques, tips, etc. This forum will in no way be brand specific as to equipment used, etc. All are welcome to come visit and take part in productive information exchanges. Thanks goes to Guvner for assisting us by putting this forum together for your enjoyment and productive use.
Click on the link below and enjoy this new tool.
Ralph (Sun Ray)
This will be an information exchange forum for the express purpose of asking questions and/or giving answers on research related topics such as research sources, techniques, tips, etc. This forum will in no way be brand specific as to equipment used, etc. All are welcome to come visit and take part in productive information exchanges. Thanks goes to Guvner for assisting us by putting this forum together for your enjoyment and productive use.
Click on the link below and enjoy this new tool.
Ralph (Sun Ray)