Went out today, it warmed up into the 40's...got to see a Snowy Owl sitting on the pier! Beautiful! I got within 25' of it..wish I had a decent camera, sun was at the perfect angle, Big Lake background superb! Got Great Horned Owls out back hooting up a storm right now, so big cold is coming! The Snowy Owls run the West Mi shoreline ahead of an arctic blast...I worked the blown sand to no effect, foil, tabs, not a penny! even worked up a sweat, bet I covered 5 miles or more following some coyote tracks, which was cool, interesting to see what structure they are drawn to, and how they cut the corners and take the easy route just like people do.....dropped into a small park on the way home and quickly swept up a few bucks clad just to make me feel less poor... Nothing worth while to show, except my New pouch! It cost 77 cents! The other shot is what a screwdriver looks like after a years worth of stabbing compared to my backup unit...just by stabbing it into the ground a few thousand times it turns into this!...cheap little pouch, cheap little screwdriver, yet we have spent a lot of time and have had many adventures together....Gonna be in a warm up for the next two days, then a drop into the 20's...might be my last chance for dirt work unless I go South. Did not have the proper weather to get into the War Zone totlots yet this year, maybe Thursday when the bottom drops out and its blowing cold and snow and rain? Feller got shot in the head in there last week...I really wanted to do a cool post about that hunt! Its generally a fabulous haul since nobody dares go in there for any reason other than a bad one...Even though I have the new pouch, for some reason I keep using the old one...probably will until the strings break off. Need some gold! been in a real gold drought since Sept.. a fellow wonders if its worth the hunt...doing the math, grabbing fast clad is a lot easier and profitable than chasing gold. (Dang you REVIER and your pennys that turn into big gold rings!) Stumbled into a spread of decoys hunting the water yesterday at sun-up, I was wondering why all those ducks were sitting still, then a well camoflaged guy yelled at me, without acknowledging him, I bravely retreated...figured he had a lot more invested for a lot less gain in his hobby than I do mine, and his season is short, plus, he was up and out early and a guy has to respect that, of course knowing he was armed was a factor in my brave decision! ..I dont get it, everybody knows you can catch more ducks with a loaf of bread and a stick down at the local park anytime you want. .for some reason I lost the hearing in my left ear? Came on all of a sudden, well 10 years anyway, Its sort of handy, I can put my good ear down at night and not get woken up by any noises! Sort of defeats the purpose of stereo headphones though...good thing I got a semi decent dog that lets me know whats up outside, even if a fellow was blind, as long as he's got ONE good ear, he can still hunt!.. Boy I sure could use some gold!...or even some old silver, just one more good find to get me through until its clad grabbing time on the sledding hills? Anyway, like Zeek says, if you detect, Life sure is an adventure full of surprises!