Sooper Dave
Well-known member
I was out on a drive with my family Easter weekend when we went by an old school site I have been trying to get on for years but could never find the owner for permission and it has been grown over all this time. Well it has changed owners and the new one has cleared the land off old school, gym and over growth were now gone. I looked up the new owner when I got home and found that he just lives down the road from the site. Last week I drove down after work to ask permission. Really nice folks that love history and we talked for an hour about all the history in the area. I was given the green light to go have fun but was also told they were selling the property and closing on it that Friday. The grass has grown up tall but I was able to get in two hunts after work and found a few wheats and a few pieces of silver. I was glad to finally get a chance to swing over this spot and save a few things from here. I am going to check with the new owner for continued permission and hope the grass gets cut. The shield nickel was from another site and that was the only thing I found but a great find for me as they don't come up often around here.