New member
Went to a new area today...another local park I had forgotten even existed...It sits tucked back down in a little basin behind the Solvay high school...it is called Gertrude Park at the end of Gertrude Avenue....Must be no-one has hit this place, because I was finding 3 coins in a hole...About 5 of those...The dimes were coming in pairs...I would find one, and sure enough, another would be within a foot of it...The White's is really cleaning house, and has already paid for itself in 2 short months....I have given up on the Land Star...It came back from the factory in worse shape than when I sent it in, and I am not about to pay to ship it back again...It will not behave for nothing now...erratic signals are all it produces...Time to sell it cheap....I am basically through with Bounty Hunter...I have sensed a major change in the company of late, and they seem to be slacking in their quality control department....I am hooked on the White's now, and will be using it exclusively...I am saving for a Matrix M6....Well, back to the show...I found a total of $5.26 in about 2 hours time in this park...had a blast...should have just stayed on my knees as I could not go 2 feet before getting another hit....
Oldest coins were 1965 Quarters, 1966 Dimes, and 2 Wheaties dated 1941 and 1943 ... the doodad at the top is silver or silver plated, with black glass beads..prolly a dongle earring....
Oldest coins were 1965 Quarters, 1966 Dimes, and 2 Wheaties dated 1941 and 1943 ... the doodad at the top is silver or silver plated, with black glass beads..prolly a dongle earring....
