Now you can now purchase the Sun Ray Q-12 Charger alone or with the adapters you need. The Q-12 will charge most Minelab detectors with the correct adapter, and now even the new Elite can charged using the new Elite station. Now available:
Whites DFX/MXT Adapter, Minelab Explorer XS/II Station, and Elite Station. The Q-12 will charge all previous models of the Sovereign without an adapter. This change has allowed Sun Ray to reduce the price of the Q-12. If you already own a Q-12 and need one of the new adapters, they are available as a single item. We use the Q-12 and can highly recommend them. They are available in our Sun Ray section. Good hunting, David @ Dixie
Whites DFX/MXT Adapter, Minelab Explorer XS/II Station, and Elite Station. The Q-12 will charge all previous models of the Sovereign without an adapter. This change has allowed Sun Ray to reduce the price of the Q-12. If you already own a Q-12 and need one of the new adapters, they are available as a single item. We use the Q-12 and can highly recommend them. They are available in our Sun Ray section. Good hunting, David @ Dixie