I had about seven detectors home and cleaned them all out and one or two were hard to find items in that condition.
I have only one now and that I will get on Friday. The Equinox 800.
I want to have one more but can't decide if it is the Etrac or the CTX.
I did a lot of looking and came across a couple of super good deals for new ones and there are some used ones that are really in like new shape.
I am having a hard time deciding.
To me the Etrac is the king of silver but the CTX has so much to offer.
The CTX will take much more time to learn But I watch video after video on you tube and it makes it even tougher.
I know living in NY near Lake Ontario limits my detecting time but I will still be able to find some spots.
Feels good to pay off Paypal and whatever debt I had for detectors.
I never let it run where I had to pay interest and I always figure what I had to pay monthly to get rid of the debt by six months.
Feels great.
I had about seven detectors home and cleaned them all out and one or two were hard to find items in that condition.
I have only one now and that I will get on Friday. The Equinox 800.
I want to have one more but can't decide if it is the Etrac or the CTX.
I did a lot of looking and came across a couple of super good deals for new ones and there are some used ones that are really in like new shape.
I am having a hard time deciding.
To me the Etrac is the king of silver but the CTX has so much to offer.
The CTX will take much more time to learn But I watch video after video on you tube and it makes it even tougher.
I know living in NY near Lake Ontario limits my detecting time but I will still be able to find some spots.
Feels good to pay off Paypal and whatever debt I had for detectors.
I never let it run where I had to pay interest and I always figure what I had to pay monthly to get rid of the debt by six months.
Feels great.