Hi Goldman 55, sounds as if you may be new to the hobby, so let me welcome you with a bit of info that you evidently are not aware of concerning Metal Detectors. Technology has to a point ground to some what of a halt , though some will argue with that to the point of heated argument. That in of itself should convince you there is need for much more to be looked into about what is new, And Old, on the present market and what is hoped (?)to be offered in the future. Good question now, and your guess will be as good as any predictions you get. It is a toss up and many are waiting for things new to pounce on soon as they appear. For you new guys, the first thing you need to become aware of is to be very wary, and not become impatient and buy the newest, biggest and baddest ,deepest, see all tell all detector that you are told to be all of those things. Ain't so , and if it possibly is,only time will prove it to be so,AND they will most certainly want more $$$ for it than any "sane" new guy would ever need to pay to get into and enjoy the hobby. Hang loose and do some intent study and plenty more questions for folks on all the forums. It will save you some $ and you will enjoy the hobby much more with whatever detector you decide on.HH, Charlie