Recently got an Ace 250. (Very much good discussion on this model to be found on the web.) Used to hunt years ago with an old Micronta/Radio Shack model. Wow, what a difference. Now, just need to wait for the Ohio ground to thaw. Wanted to say hello, have been watching this forum for a few months. Hope to get out more as the ground thaws. I do have to admit, Garrett really has no need to advertise the 250, theres just good news about this detector to be found everywhere. I wanted to get back into MD'ing, and wanted to finally get something decent, so I searched the web and made what appears to be the right decission. Much impressed with what little MD'ing I have done thus far with it. I researched the web thouroughly, and was willing to spend whatever I needed too to get a decent detector, The good news on the 250 is 10x more than any other detector on the web! I'll (hopefully) post some pics of great finds this spring!