Hello, I'm new here and will soon be new to metal detecting. I've read so much within the forum and though learning bunches, it seems that every bit of info digested just causes me to question the purchase I'm about to make. The truth is that I am not able to pinpoint what I'll be doing most with a detector which seems to make the decision of choice harder. I will be checking out old home sites, parks and fresh water lake and river beaches for coins and jewelry. I might check the tailings of gold placer sites and silver mines and search the beaches and banks of streams below those areas. So, I'm limiting funding up to $300 and am wondering if I'm just kidding myself? I've located a demo Fisher F4 with the newer 11" DD coil. New or used doesn't mater to me so long as it does a good job. I've read that the better detectors use higher frequencies which caused me more consternation. I think to myself "how much will I miss if I buy this?". One other thing that comes to mind is that I won't be out there very soon if saving up for a better make or model. I keep rambling on to myself and was hoping by rambling here that someone could understand where I'm coming from and maybe either put my mind at ease or set me straight as to my choice. Thanks for reading through this winded post. I hope to read some enlightening responses and look forwarded to meeting people here.