I agree...The Commando is a new addition to the Bounty Hunter Line-up...It does appear to be a Tracker in Cammo...Seems BH is making more and more of their machines in a Cammo finish...I wonder if they have upgraded the electronics in any of these units??? The machine you bought is a low mid-range detector in the lineup, but it will find you anything that the upper-end detectors will find you if you take the time to learn it's language. Just ask nugget, he has found more with his Trackers, than a lot of us have found with our more expensive machines. As stated in the previous post, at first dig every signal you hear until you learn to tell the difference in the sounds your detector makes for each object...Listen well as you sweep your coil to the sounds made by different objects, and different sized objects of the same metal type. Soon you will be able to tell most of the time what is beneath the surface before you dig. The Bounty Hunters have a frequency that allows them to discriminate between targets VERY WELL...any lower, or higher in frequency, and the machine would loose sensitivity on either the gold side, or the silver side...you would find it hard to tell nickels from pennies, or pennies from quarters...The Bounty Hunter detectors in my opinion are great discriminators...I still have problems in the nickel and pull tab region, but I think this is a common problem among ALL detectors...the metals are so similar, that most detectors cannot tell the difference...Read and re-read your manual, and air test your machine with as many different metals as you can, until you learn the sounds each makes. Use headphones whenever you can. it makes hearing the true tones easier, and saves on your batteries as well (takes less juice to power headphones than it does to power an amplifier for a speaker). Bury items in your back yard and test you skills at locating them...Not only is it fun, but it is good practice.
Welcome to the hobby, and keep that coil swinging...Soon you will be posting your finds here for all to see.
Happy Hunting,