This field was plowed to keep the weeds down but he is not going to plant this year and I have permission pending , its over 80 achers and has been farmed from the 1860s so at least 100 years of silver coins and I have learned they are out thear and sho knows maybe a ring . this would have been a hunting ground for the 1st americans then the french fur trades and then the loggers, and then the farmers this is a very fertile field as it sits in the plood plane and the soil is loamy and organic and a bit sandy also a prime hunting spot for years --getting the WOT ready and if this babe goes thru i will pull my troops away from the other spots and focus on this one as I am reasonably sure it has never been metal detected in 140 years I know nails and farm parts will be par for the course along with many lead slugs but some real goodies will come thru as well