Finally got a chance to hunt this school, they left the lock off the gate so I helped myself in. I hunted the outer playground and then the inner court where there was a little tot area with tables around the outside. Weather was so nice outside last week. On Sat I collected 28 Quarters, 35 dimes and 40 nickels. Did not count the pennies too many. I went back the next day but before I left I asked my wife to agree that I would find a ring. The week before I found a nice girls ring 10k in another tot park so I was pumped. Anyway, back to the inner court. was there about 2 hours when the principal came up behind me and startled me as I was bending over. I didn't know who she was but she introduced herself as the principal of the elementary school and asked me nicely whats i was doing. I responded that destressing from the week of work and looking for coins. I thought that no one was around, but she was very cool and seemed interested. I promised her no fox holes on the premise. She said have fun and left me to return to her meetings. I did in fact hit a ring along the sidewalk. It was a steel ring with a "$" sign on the front! You have to be specific with God when asking for something; should have said a gold ring. Wife got a laugh out of the find, but a ring is a ring. Found another $8 in clad and a few insect bites on the legs.