Well-known member
I have had the E-trac for a couple of weeks now and have been using a modified coin program with multi-tones. I have noticed that I seem to have hearing loss with certain tones especially real high tones so I have had to adjust the settings accordingly. I also noticed that I could not seem to pull the nickel tone out of the rest of them so I was not finding any nickels to speak of. I was reading some information on the E-trac and I saw where some US coin hunters use 4 tone Conductive instead of Multi tone. I thought that I would give it a try today and I was amazed at how it improved my finds. With all my usual targets giving a high tone (but one I could hear clearly) it seemed to just settle things down and eliminate my hearing problem. I also discovered something else ... Nickels !!! Since nickels signals fell in the mid tone area I was able to hear them easier and checking the screen for the appropriate numbers. The biggest discovery today about nickels was that they did not read the same as air tests in my soil. I have been digging 12-13, 12-14 signals and an occasional 12-15 target and with very few exceptions have always found pull tabs or small pieces of aluminum. Well today I got a nice sounding 12-12 and decided to dig it. What did I find? A nickel !!! Well I started digging 12-12 and 12-13 signals only and found nickels almost every time. I double checked myself and dug a few more 12-14 signals and every time it was a pull tab so if a 12-13 jumped immediately to 12-14 or 12-15 I passed on them and concentrated on 12-12 or 12-13 signals. I am sure this is elementary stuff to all of the experienced E-trac users out there but it was like turning on a light bulb for me and I developed a new and improved love for my E-trac. Please give me some advice if using 4 tone Conductive is going to be a problem because I have a big hunt planned for in the morning and plan to use the same settings I used today. I hope I am not giving up anything by using these settings because it really seemed to make targets easier for me to hear and identify. They had a Carnival in town for the last few days and they shut down last night so I went to the park where they had the rides set up expecting to find a lot of recent drops but I found the opposite. I found about $3.50 in clad but most of the coins were 3-8 inches deep with only a couple of exceptions. I also found this 1972 Kennedy Half that I thought was a quarter. Nothing really special but they don't come around every day.