-Both Garrett Pro-Pointers turned off prior to each air test to avoid any possible drift
-Both machines had a new Duracell 9 volt battery
-Please remember, it is an air test. Distances may very depending on the many characteristics in the surrounding matrix of the target.
-Oxides on targets will probably affect results
-The air tests were performed at room temperatures
-The Garrett electric pin-pointers work well in extremely cold temperatures, pending the battery condition
-I have experienced poor performance with previous electronic pin-pointers in the cold, where they wouldn't vibrate, go out of tune or quit working all together
-All tests calculated to the nearest mm.
-Test performed in order of targets shown
-First two tests were performed on the same silver ring, with each having a different orientation towards the tip of the probe
-Next test was the silver dime, the 22 and finally the musket ball[/size]