I went over to Bi-Mart today and bought a Vivitar 580 camcorder to film my dirt fishing. Well it was only $43.40 with tax and all so I got it home and put batteries in it and memory card turned it on and started to shoot video. Well right off I wanted to zoom in on my dog and it wouldn't do it and my dog isn't that bad to look at so right away I knew that it had to be the camera and tried it again and my dog must be real ugly because he broke the camera. It shut down and wouldn't start up again so I said to hell with it and took it back and got my money back.
Now that I have told you my story I am wondering what kind of camera you use? I am retired and on a fixed income so can't spend too much.
Now that I have told you my story I am wondering what kind of camera you use? I am retired and on a fixed income so can't spend too much.