Mikel said:
If my first Tejon, grey, would have been this good I would have kept it.
Mikel, how long ago did you have the 'grey' Tejón?
Did you use any accessory search coils or only the stock 8X9 Concentric?
What types of sites did you hunt, and what Discriminate settings did you use?
What was it about your original Tejón that "didn't work this good?" to make you part with it?
And naturally, to the 'NEW' black-rod/housing Tejón you now own:
Do you hunt the same type places?
Do you use the same Discriminate settings?
Do you prefer a black color to grey?
Which search coil do you have for the 'NEW' Tejón, the 8X9 Concentric or newer 8X11 Double-D [size=small](since it is available with either coil)[/size]?
As I understand it, the Tejón circuitry was not changed, only the color scheme, and an option to chose a 'standard' search coil now includes the 8X11 DD coil, so what is it about the Tejón that you NOW feel makes the Tejón
"work this good" that you consider it better than before?
If it is because of the bigger-size DD coil, then I presume you generally hunt beaches or more open sites, like manicured lawns, etc., because that coil definitely doesn't make it better for dense iron littered sites. So, if you could explain why you have your current feelings it might help someone shopping for a new Tesoro model to consider.