I just recieved my new 250 today. I went out this evening for a couple of hours and was amazed at what this machine will do. This is the first time I have metal detected in 20 years. My previous detector was an old ground hog. Those were the days that If you didn't find at least 3 or 4 pieces of silver then you had a bad day. The pic below is only a small portion of my finds. I had to leave the first yard I went to because it was just chuck full of clads.
I went to the school house next. This place has been detected a million times but I found several clads and one nice silver dime. That kinda made my day. I can tell that it's going to take awhile to get on to the new detector. I am digging way too much junk. I need to listen to the detector a little more and not be so anxious. These finds aren't great but it thought was alright since its a new machine and Im out of practice and also this yard was suppose to be hunted out.
I went to the school house next. This place has been detected a million times but I found several clads and one nice silver dime. That kinda made my day. I can tell that it's going to take awhile to get on to the new detector. I am digging way too much junk. I need to listen to the detector a little more and not be so anxious. These finds aren't great but it thought was alright since its a new machine and Im out of practice and also this yard was suppose to be hunted out.