it is still nothing more than a metel detector. A rather conventional, current technology, very low frequency design dual mode detector with All Metal and motion Discriminate mode functions. Thus, it doesn't possess any magic formula to success afield beyond what all the other makes and models of rather conventioanl detectors require/provide.
Therefore, I can easily and safely respond as follows:
<STRONG>"Would the Tejon make a good "ring hunter" unit?"</STRONG>.... It can, yes. Due to the operating frequency it will be <EM>slightly</EM> 'hotter' on the lower-conductive targets than most of the other Tesoro models or a lot of the competition.
The key to being a <EM>"good ring hunter"</EM> is <EM>YOU</EM>. The <EM>HUNTER</EM>. A savvy hunter knows that you have to have a lot of patience and stalk your game first by selecting a hunting site that is most likely to have a higher concentration of the game you're after.
It is only logical that the best sites to hunt for good jewelry, such as gold rings, gold pendants, gold chains, etc., are where most jewelry wearers congregate and where the activity is most likely to generate some amount of jewlery loss.
<STRONG>"I know rings can come up all over the disc range.... but how would you set this machine up to get the majority of them??"</STRONG>.... Just the same as you would any other quality detector. By using the most sensitvity you can handle w/o chatter. By operating with the least amount of discriminaton that you can tolerate. And by recovering all good-sounding targets. You make sure you have a proper slight audio threshold setting, adjust for a 'proper' Ground Balance, and then search away!
<STRONG>"Some people talk about setting the tone control so it gives better info on iron... what is the setting on the dial?"</STRONG>.... All the variable tone control does is allow the operator to select a quick-peaking VCO audio, or, select the particular audio tone, or pitch, that best appeals to them and their hearing. It doesn't really do anything with regard to producing "better info" to iron, but it will allow the operator to have an audio sound that is more appealing to them and, <EM>perhaps,</EM> let them discern slight audio qualities a little better.
But if you're searching for gold jewlery, and if you're determined to get the best response from any gold jewelry at a given site, then it boils down to using the most gain or sensitivity possible w/o chatter, having a properly set threshold and ground balance, and using the lowest discriminate level you can tolerate.
Once you have selected a site with the best gold jewlery potential, and then set the adjustments on the detector as I just mentioned, all you have to do is use the best coil for the task and site, overlap your sweeps, and adhere to the most proven method for success that I have been harping on for about a quarter century now ..... that is to use the <STRONG>"Beep-<BIG><EM>DIG!</BIG></EM>"</STRONG> method.
Variable discrimination with any motion discriminate mode model, and any visual Target ID model, is NOT going to be totally accurate and able to tell the difference between a trash target and a good target. The ONLY form of discrimination that is 100% accurate is <EM>YOUR EYES!</EM> Thus, you have to recover all targets that fall in the same conductive range as the desired gold jewlery, then take a good look to see what it is and if you want to keep it.