I know what you are saying, and, worry/stress is a very cruel thing to
go through. However, I have found over the years, and through teaching at my
fellowship, that there is a 'cure' for the stress syndrom: That is "Casting"
all of my cares upon the Lord, because He cares for me. How do I do that? Well,
I simply with a 'child-like' faith believe that His Word is true, and powerful,
and that if I do what it says to do, I can get the results/blessings from His
Word. That probably was a nice 'religious' blurb I just said, and most would
bob their heads up and down, maybe even a few "Amens" could come of that, But,
HOW do I do that? Good question, glad you asked ;-)
Jesus gave us a key when He said "Take no anxious thought SAYING". Yes, we can
take anxious thoughts by speaking the anxious thoughts. (This is not a mind-over-
matter thing), Words are important 'containers' of either Faith or Fear. So, simply
refusing to 'say' (talk about) the things that I don't want to come to pass, and
not stopping there, but, Saying what the Bible says about things and situations,
confessing them as active in my situations, and doing it as unto Jesus just out
of simple obedience, and quite frankly 'respect' of His Word.
I think (from reading your other posts) that this is not something you don't know,
since you help many people here (myself included ;-). But, I have needed this gentle
reminder many times as things happen in my life to myself and my loved-ones. I can
confidently say, that I always after confessing God's promises over my life have
100% of the time received the Peace of God in my mind and my soul.
Lets say what we want, instead, of what our problems are, and lets proclaim "Thy Kingdom
Come in my life, and Thy Will be Done in my life, On Earth as it is in Heaven"
Now for the prayer: Father, I thankyou for Mike and for giving him peace in his heart
as he proclaims and submits to your Word. I speak to him a Holy
Ghost impartation of Your Life into all that pertains to him. Meet
his need, and give him the important things he needs first, then,
filling his Soul and emotions with Your Peace that passes all
understanding. In Jesus's Name we receive it together and call it
by faith as DONE. Amen.
You are Blessed . . .
Ray . . .