In the high trash areas with lots of aluminum trash the first thing I do is turn down the sensitivity. I'm talking like down below 50. A lower setting allows the coil to act like a smaller one and gives better separation and id. The stock coil works very well in high trash areas when you learn to turn it down. Second,I don't use the 3H and 4H modes in high alum trash sites. Stay with 3 or 4 tone mode. I normally only use the 3 mode in modern parks, and 4 tone in city parks where I have a chance for wheats or maybe an indian head. Third, I use the notches. If I get tired of a particular type of trash target I notch it out. Lastly I focus. If the age, location and history of a park marks it as modern, then it's only good for clad and jewelry and there is no need to waste time hunting it like it could give up older coins so I sweep it for clad and then go back and focus on the likely jewelry areas with a jewelry setting. If the parks age, location and history mark it as an old coin park, then I put it into 4 tone and focus on those two top tones and let the alum become background noise. Once I find a hot spot I'll try various other settings to see what else I can turn up.
As far as those steel bottle caps many of them will give a bouncing id number and a FE meter spike. Those that are too deep to give a Fe spike and give stable id number you can also check out in pinpoint mode. Many will give a broader response in pinpoint mode than a coin will. Some times you just have to retrieve them.
Probably not enough is mentioned about the pinpoint mode. Pinpoint will help id canslaw and flatten cans as well as the steel bottle caps and rusty iron spiking a high tone. I use it a lot and find it to be a big help. Most canslaw is irregular in shape and the pinpoint mode will show that. All the rusty stuff will give very broad responses and coins will stay small. Remember that you can adjust the pinpoint sensitivity to where you like it best and that you can also raise the coil to get a better feel of a target. You can also detune the target, and when you detune the target out, by pressing the coil down on the ground you can still pick it up. Lot going on in pinpoint mode that can be a big help.
Good luck,