I faced the same dilemma, and ended up going with the Vaquero, simply because I also am new to MD, yet I want a machine that will still be useful once I get better, but is still simple to operate right out of the box.
Since you're new to MD, I suggest you follow the same route, and go with a Vaquero, or the slightly simpler Cibola.
The one thing about the Tejon, is that it's like a spoiled lady... you really have to know how to treat it right or it'll scream at you and refuse to do anything... they 'really' are sensitive detectors (but that's also why they're so good).
The Vaquero is based on the same technology but costs a lot less than the Tejon, and is much more like a content housewife... definitely not as demanding as the Tejon to know what you're doing. The Cibola is also a nice detector, essentially being the Vaquero without the manual ground balance, which I feel is a distinct disadvantage.
The Cibola is set to one set of optimum conditions, and though it does a good job in most soils, there still are a few that you'd have trouble where the manual ground balance of the Vaquero would make it searchable ground.
You can also bump up the Vaquero's sensitivity and threshold to 'super tune' it to behave like a Tejon, though with a bit of a depth sacrifice... but the only problem is it's like spoiling that content housewife... it gets very sensitive and tries to scream at you just like the Tejon... it's that durn H.O.T. technology. When it's good, it's good, and when it's bad, it's even better.
Honestly, the Tejon is one helluva detector, and everybody that has one seems to swear by it, but the majority I see with them are seasoned detectorists who moved up to it after a period of time, after they had 'honed their art' a bit, and could make a machine like the Tejon do what they wanted it to do, rather than work against them.
Just MO anyway.

Either way you go you're going to get a nice machine.