I have some plain text files of Civil war books written by the men who took part in some of the battles. Fayetteville was occupied for two years during the Civil war. You can find info on your cities website. www.fayettevillemainstreet.com/history.html . I believe Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was there. Hugh Bright Douglas served under him during that time. I will include a photo of Gen. Forrest....
PS.. Excerpted from Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V1-by Gen. Jacob Dolson Cox
It is a natural wish of every soldier to serve with the largest army
in the most important campaign. The order to remain with a
diminished command in West Virginia was a great disappointment to
me, against which I made haste to protest. On the 13th I was
rejoiced by permission to accompany my command to the East.
[Footnote: _Id_., pp. 567, 570.] Preliminary orders had already been
given for making Fayetteville and Hawk's Nest the principal advanced
posts in the contracted operations of the district, with Gauley
Bridge for their common depot of supply and point of concentration
in case of an advance of the enemy in force. I organized two small
brigades and two batteries of artillery for the movement to
Washington. Colonels Scammon and Moor, who were my senior colonels,
were already in command of brigades, and Colonel Lightburn was in
command of the lower valley.