Not really, There were a lot of places that used paper ballots into the late 1980's. So, it could be fairly new or really, really old. But, I would say if the house was that old. It is probably from the late 1800's or early 1900's. Regardless, it would be a very rare item. Because they would have only had a very few and would have been kept under lock & key when not in the possession of an election official. And only election officials would have had access to them. I would say, you could contact the KY county where it came from and they could probably tell you the exact age. Might even be able to tell you when it was lost and by who. These would have been kept a very close eye on. So, I would say, it is in public records if one of them were ever lost. And, the design was probably changed afterwards, to avoid whoever ended up with it from ballot tampering.