I agree. I think I would go all metal. I often do
anyway... I guess it's all what you want, but at
an old site like that, you never know what kind
of interesting stuff you might find. Myself, my
plan of attack would be to sweep the place quick
for shallow easy stuff, and then keep going back
over it, getting deeper and deeper. This is the
way I've been doing my yard here. The reason I like
to do that is it gradually clears the shallow stuff,
which will include trash. That will make it easier
to see the deep stuff. I divide the yard up into
sections, so I can keep track of where I've been.
I'll often crisscross the same area, except from a
different direction to find hits you miss from the
first sweeep. I've done my backyard this way, and
I'm slowly but surely stripping it clean of metal.
There are still a few coins lurking, but they are
getting much fewer and farther apart. One of the
reasons I decided to get the big coil, was I think
I'm just about to the limits of the stock coil
in that area. I'm really curious to see if that big
coil will find any deeper coins that the stock coil
If you run in "coin" mode, you could be missing some
pretty good stuff. IE: small metal toys, containers,
etc..Lots of that stuff could be worth more than the
coins you find. The only time I would switch to "coin",
would be if I'm snooping likely coins, and I want to
reduce the "junk" chatter.
I also have a torn down house to do, but it's 430 miles
away and I haven't been up there yet. I plan to hit it
before too long. I'm paranoid some tecter head in AR
will beat me to my goodies if I wait too long...

It's private property, but highway frontage, and anyone
could hop on there and look around if they got the urge.
I *should* be able to find some silver coins at that place.
But I'm just as interested in relics. Maybe more so.
My grandfather lived in that house since about WW2 ended,
and it went back to at least the 20's or earlier..
On that same road frontage, he once had a Texaco gas station,
which is also long gone, and there may be a few lost
coins in that area too. That whole property is about
2 acres, and would take a good while to go through it
all. Supposably over 100 years ago, it was once some kind of
dairy farm.