that is a very cool piece are not gonna believe this but i have a new jersey large cent that i found some years back,and on the reverse side of the large cent it has that same -5 dots in a circle -stamped into the shield just like the shield on your item.... i wonder if anyone could shed any light on what the signifigance of that 5 dot stamp into the shield might mean.... really nice find tomcat..... its gotta be older than the coins you found it with..... it kinda looks early to mid 1800s ish... wow,, that is really really cool... i hope someone can nail down its origin..... you might want to post it on the whatzit forum as they have a few guys on that forum who are real good at researching the history of curious items... man that is COOL.... i also have a new york state militia belt buckle from the 1840s thatshows a simular eagle clutching arrows..... i wonder if that item may be related to one of the state militias... either way its one great find..... dave