1. Make sure you know where(folder) on your computer the pix are stored and their names.
2. When you do post new message, look down to the bottom of your screen and you will see button with "Upload Photo", click on it.
3. Click on "Browse" to find the folder on your computer where the pix are stored, select one of your pix, the file name of your pix with complete path should appear in the window to the left of the "Browse" button.
4. Now click on "Attach Photo", the should be a bit of a pause, your screen will re-draw and you will see a message that your file was attached or whether there was a problem. Keep in mind each file cannot be larger than 1 Meg or you will get an error. File types can be JPG(jpeg) or GIF I believe, I haven't tried a TIFF so it may or may not work. JPG is a good bet since saving it with a compression setting of 95% will reduce the size greatly yet still give decent quality.
5. For the sake of those on viewing on dialup, I crop my photos as much as possible, resize to 640x480, and save at 95% as a JPG. I will save as a GIF when embedding text in the photo as the fonts seem to tear less in GIF.
If you have any other questions I'm glad to help.