Best advice would be (like said) to follow those wires and see where they go by opening the case. If they go to the main negative/positive power inputs inside the case then it's for a remote battery input. If they go somewhere funky on the board or to one of the control switches on the face plate then it's probably a remote pinpoint switch. Here's why you need to check where they go- If what's on the end of the wire in your picture (can't tell) is a switch then it should by all rights be a remote pinpoint switch. On the other hand, if that's some kind of jack (like a DC jack) then it could be a remote battery input....BUT that jack might also be for a remote pinpoint switch to plug into. So, I'd open her up and see where those wires go. Take a picture and post it if you don't know electronics. Color coding (like say red/black) doesn't mean much. Anybody could have used anything in terms of wire colors to rig up whatever they were doing. If the wires are red/black don't assume it's a remote battery input. Best bet is to open up that puppy and see where those wires go, or post a picture of that and somebody will give you their opinion. I haven't looked at an XS circuit board but I'd guess following 99% of other circuits out there if they look to route to the edge of the board then it's a power input. If they go somewhere in the center of the board or to a switch (other than the POWER switch!) on the controls then I'd say it's a remote PP switch. I really need to see a good picture to give a verdict.