If you are not getting any more signals there then I would go someplace else, but if you are getting lots of iron and squeaky sounds, some whispers, that are high tone, do the Sube routine, feel around the edges of any squeaky rust sounds, little tiny sweeps, maybe 2" left and 2 right. Odds are good there is a silver there, but it is more than likely lying under, or close to a rusty nail or bolt. The 'skim' guys will most likely miss it because it is masked a bit, but the CTX will hear it and show it to you. Grid off an area about 15' by 15', go over it really slow from at least 2 directions, go over it n-s and then e-w, and dig every high tone! EVERY high tone, dont get wrapped up in the numbers being displayed. If you get locked in on just digging the numbers you will miss a ton of good stuff. I honestly rarely look at the numbers til I start to dig or pin point. I dont recall 'digging' something based on the numbers, I almost always dig a target based on where on the display the target is placed, how big it is, smooth or rough edges, and TONE! Sneak up on them, surround them with little tiny sweeps, try it yourself. It works!