I just bought this Ace 350 in a pawn Shop, Well traded some Gold and $20 for it. I know every machine has a learning curve But I am starting to think this machine is defective. I even called Garrett and she just had me reset it and suggested buying a DD coil or a Sniper coil, witch I am planning on doing, Haven't made up my mind on witch one yet. The problem is I never know how this machine is going to act, one day it is great the next it just goes crazy and it is hard to get a good tone in both directions. Also I hate that the penny and the quarter is on the same notch, My Whites they are not. Any way I have tried lowering the sensitivity, Swinging slower, Swinging from a different angle and nothing works. But like I said when it works it does a great job. PLEASE someone.give me some pointers or advice.
P.S. I might add when I am swinging the coil and it starts going nuts the depth goes up and down and the object curser just goes back and forth and doesn't lock on to anything.
P.S. I might add when I am swinging the coil and it starts going nuts the depth goes up and down and the object curser just goes back and forth and doesn't lock on to anything.